Scott has signed with the Hiroshima Toyo Carp, a professional baseball team in Japan's Central League (more info here).
I had a chance to offer a few questions that may give a little insight into what's going on since he has gotten there:
SDFanSite: So, Scott. What has been the biggest adjustment: Life in Japan or Baseball in Japan?
SCOTT: I would have to say the biggest adjustment thus far is the way of life in general. The food, the traditions, the regiment, and the culture. The people are extremely polite and non-confrontational as a whole. The food has been good for the most part (much to the thanks of the translators helping describe what some things are). The baseball drills and conditioning is a bit different but in a good way. I will say that there is some down time that we didn't have in the states. Over here we get done in 5 hrs what we could get done in 3 and a half in the states. The money is deceiving because it seems like play money. 10,000 "dollar bills"??? Come on! (10,000 yen really) Anyway, the short of it is that the adjustment and transition has been extremely smooth and so far very exciting.
SDFanSite: About the translator(s). Are you assigned one or a group? How much of your day is spent with a translator at your side?
SCOTT: There are three translators which we all share/use (Joe, Kimi, and Hiro). At the field, there pretty much is always one by our side. On our on time, they are available pretty much at the drop of a hat if we need them.
SDFanSite: You and Spring Training haven't gotten along very well in the past. How is this one shaping up? Does it feel like the usual Spring Training?
SCOTT: Being out here so early as compared to the states I believe has had some positive effects. I feel as though I am ahead of schedule of where I would be in the states for sure. Health, command, strength, and feel for my pitches all feel pretty good considering it is still February (yes, I'm a little behind in posting this). We'll see. I'm excited and ready to go.
I'll post more as Scott keeps us up to date.